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Your personality type is SCOAI
You are social, calm, organized, accommodating, and intellectual, and may prefer a city which matches those traits.

The largest representation of your personality type can be found in the these U.S. cities: Salt Lake City, Oklahoma City, Nashville, Tucson, Phoenix, Memphis, W. Palm Beach, Portland/Salem, Louisville, Cincinnati, San Diego, Los Angeles and these international countries/regions Slovenia, Luxembourg, India, Croatia, Romania, Taiwan, Middle East, China, Caribbean, Iceland, South Africa, Czech Republic, South Korea, Hong Kong

What Places In The World Match Your Personality?
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13 thoughts on “Anal-ysis”

    1. Social. I question the test. 30-odd questions seems insufficient to measure five variables while adjusting for specific question biases.

    2. Besides, you and I tend to test fairly closely in most other tests. This spike in the graph left me feeling confused.

    1. Ooh! Pick Portland/Salem. Nice place, that whole valley is. Or Vancouver.

      Medford isn’t even on the list. I have no idea whether I should be here or not. It’s a good thing I am, I think; my garden is here.

        1. Well, and there’s this chick down here that I’m hot for. I cornered her into the whole ring deal, so I ought to stick around for that, too.

          1. So. Oregon and Bridgette are entirely separate entities. I can’t tell, at this moment, if we will be here five years from now; we may well have moved on to someplace that isn’t falling to entropy around us.

          2. yeah, medford is kinda falling to entropy. Or is already at a state of entropy. I can’t really tell, I haven’t been there in years….

            I suppose oregon and bridgette are seperate entities… but so are oregon and medford…

          3. True enough. But I could bear leaving Oregon, and can’t really imagine leaving Bridgette. And, truly, the only thing that Medford has for me is this garden with the dilapidated house in the middle…and I could start a new garden.

            We’ll see.

  1. Funny. It didn’t even mention that I don’t belong in cities at all. What a wildly inaccurate test, at least for location advice.

    “You are moderately social, calm, moderately organized, egocentric, and moderately intellectual, and may prefer a city which matches those trait

    The primary indicator is “calm” which should not be a big surprise.

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