
Bridgette was fired from her job yesterday.

Today she’s gathering up a list of places to apply and updating her resume. She’s planning to apply to nurseries and landscaping firms across the board.

She instructed me that, if I wanted my ass kicked for me, all I had to say was, “Maybe we should skip Writer’s Weekend this year.” I had just been thinking, “I’m still going to WW, even if I have to sleep in the car.” So, good on both of us, I feel.

I don’t seem terribly worried, maybe because she already has a plan for moving on to better things. This might even be a good thing; she generally dreaded going to work. If she can find something less toxic to her, that’s all to the good.

6 thoughts on “Oi”

  1. Hope it works out well. These things are stressful even with contingency planning.

    You’re very welcome to spend the night for a while on my hide-a-bed in Renton, which I gather isn’t terribly far from WW, presuming you’re not allergic to cats. Or, if you are, not averse to sneezing. So, no car-sleeping required!

  2. AW! Sucks that your woman got fired. Yet, if she truly dreaded the job, then it is a blessing in disguise. Hope everything works out for ya’s, luv. 😀

    1. Hope everything works out for ya’s, luv

      Everything always does. My luck is truly phenomenal, and only my hurculean efforts can ever turn it bad. And I hardly ever exert myself that direction, anymore.

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